
What I See Everyday

Two weeks of classes down. The undergraduate class (Missions Theology) has settled into a class of 12, the graduate class in History of Heresies remains at 3. 

Thought I'd give a peek into some everyday scenes. So this is mostly a picture post.

But first, The Almanac:

  • Reading: Kate Chopin, The Awakening; Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
  • T-shirts observed (a hobby I have in Korea): "Corrupt with Violence, Materialism, Lookism, and so on" (really!); "Follow Marc"; "Dates Say Used Compass"; "No Respect for Reality"
  • Price for a large round container of Quaker Oats Oatmeal: $19.50
  • Primary language on the floor where I live: German
  • Number of times I have visited the Immigration Office for a Permanent Resident Card: 2, with at least 2 more
  • Time spent waiting, and getting Immigration affairs in order: 10 hours
  • Most surprising encounter: On the subway, a conversation with an older man, atheist, with whom I found myself "correcting" unethical evangelistic theology he had heard. So I guess you could say I was "witnessing"!
  • Am I wearing bow ties? Absolutely!

The Pictures!

I see these guys every day. 
They were here before I was, and will outlast me.

Chapel is required for students; 
professors who choose to go MUST sit on the stage.

From the Ewha Campus Student Center, 
advertising by groups looking for new members.

From the board in my latest Missions Theology class. 
"FROM Advertising/Propaganda TO Missions". It was a lesson in Rhetoric. Fun!

Whenever it rains, this is what my residence hallway looks like.

That's all for now. Look forward to your communications.



  1. Hi Marc! Thanks for all the interesting information about your time so far. Please keep the updates coming!
    Miriam Freeman

  2. Hope you got my other comments. The "Select profile" menu has me stymied and I don't know what to choose. By the way, our flower girl is 2 years, 5 months old. Beautiful! jim

  3. Enjoying reading a bit and the great photos too! Fun way to learn about a culture and country I know nearly nothing about. I'm curious about who makes up the students at your U, especially given you said German was the most spoken language on your floor of residence.

  4. Dr. Mullinax,

    It's pretty awesome that you're super-maning even in Ewha. Do the same rules apply there? Meaning are you superman all the time or just when your teaching still? If you could please do a blog post about the fashion that you see there. I think that would be so cool and I'd really appreciate it.

    Tricia M. Ellis

  5. Tricia,

    I was already considering it. I live in a HIGH-fashion district, and some of my students are very-well dressed; high heels, much attention to make-up. More in a future blog! Thanks.
