
Happy Pepero Day, you Lovers!

Peppero - Today is 11/11. As you see <11/11> think vertical. Now think of a vertical sweet. 

In the Korean mind, thanks to the Lotte Corporation (like Nestlé or Nabisco) a short while back, and its smart business plan, Korea now has a "holiday" as big as its American equivalent: Valentine’s Day. 

(I don't know how to spell Pebbero, or BBebbero. The P's and B's are, in Korean writing, "double B's." That means you really focus on the initial "B" sound, like an over-emphasized "B" in bulge, or blue ... you blow air through your lower mouth as you make the "B" sound, so sudden hard one could almost blow a candle out.)

The BBePPero candy of choice is a thin vertical swizzle stick of chocolate on a hard pastry. If you think vertical, you can understand why 11/11 is the day chosen for this candy's come-uppance. They are sold in at least flavors or configurations, and the outside of many stores are chock-a-block full of PPeBBero candy promotions. 

It is OK for anyone to give anyone these candies, just like in the USA on Valentine’s Day, and lovers can (read: are pressured to) spend mega-bucks on their arrangements.

I bought one box of BPePBero's for each of my undergraduate students, after I found that this would not be inappropriate. I will give them out on Monday in class. 

If you have any Korean friends, wish them "Happy Pepero Day!"
