

For all that has been, Thanks. For all that shall be, Yes. - Dag Hammarskjold
 No one gets to do what I am about to do without a great deal of help. You just don't decide to "up and go off" to Korea one day, and get on the plane the next. Thank you to:

  • Professors Hee Sung Chung (Theology) and Young Sook Nam (International Studies), my two main academic contacts at Ewha, for moving heaven and earth.
  • My colleagues at Mars Hill: Professors Kathy Meacham, Matthew Baldwin, Nathan McMahan, Phyllis Smith and Lucia Carter for helping me dream this big dream, translate it into  academic-ese, and green-lighting the entire process.
  • My dean, John Wells, who kept on saying "Yes."
  • The HR department at Mars Hill, especially Deana Holland
  • My family: 
    • My parents, seeing me off to Korea a second time.
    • My daughter, who has done so much investing in me to enable this.
    • My wife, who joins in this venture with enthusiastic support.
    • My two brothers, who help with family support.
  • My friends the Speegle-Snells, who will be more the family they already are.
  • My faith-community, the Circle of Mercy in Asheville.
  • Dharma and Maya, my therapists who happen to be cats.
  • Thanks also to Hands and Feet of Asheville, and The International Foundation of Ewha Woman's University.
Such a Cloud of Witnesses.

Thanks, and Yes!


  1. You take this cloud of witnesses with you, in a way, Marc. I am glad to know you, as well!

  2. Marc, SO good to hear about what you are up to! I envy you the ability to get "so into things" upon your arrival. It takes me quite awhile abroad until I get as settled as you. I am sure you heard that Noel Kinnamon passed away, truly sad.
    STAY in touch, my friend! I ran the Asheville Cit-Times 5K today, my best time ever!!
